Sunday, June 6, 2021

instagram webscrping

Twin sai tech

how this project help : In Cyber Security The Most Attack Was been Happend By Social Engineering. The Attacker was Choose the Social Media to Collect the users information And attack It. So We can make the tool to identify the Attacker on Instagram

->this tool will find social engineering attackers


->Hackulus project code, a tool to detect fake accounts in social media


->this tool is based on web scraping which identify fake account. ->it is written on the most powerful language python and advanced portable framework selenium.

Technology used:

-> this tool is built using python script and selenium


->Input-instagram login id and password ->Output-predicted fake account ->this tool find the fake account in recent followers for a given range by using some conditions

Installation Instruction:

=>Important notes:

-> Use Linux OS -> Use FireFox Browser

=>Comments to run in Linux

->sudo apt-get git 

->git clone

-> sudo apt-get install python3 -> pip3 install selenium -> pip3 install explicit -> sudo apt-get update -> apt-get upgrade -> cd (code directory) -> python3

Working video 

Google Drive

port forwarding

This tool is help us to create a server and port forwarding it and tansfer the file to one system to another system easyly with out any software. we can connect the fort end and backend with easy using this tool

we can run with terminal

How to use the tool Youtube...

To select the folder to to run the server like python3 to make it local server we can choose the port number with the our wish

After that open the new terminal to to run the secound script it will automate the ngrok to unzip and move to his location for automate

We can enter the same port number to connect with port forwarding to so we can genrate the link like a we can copy and send to anywhere

it will activate for the 2 hours

Comments to run the tool**


sudo apt-get install python3


Enter the port number



enter the same port numer

we can genrate the .io link to forwarding the link


 github profile

Argocd with rollouts examples

examples in My github ArogoCd with ArgoRollouts Rollouts.yml # This example demonst...