Sunday, May 8, 2022

Linux-Bash commands

cd -- change dir
ls -- list
command -- --- stdin
command -- --- stdout
command -- --- stderr
PWD -- present working dir
ln -- hard and soft link
rm -- remove
mv -- move,rename
cp -- copy
more -- to see file in screen size
more -- --- to see first two numbers
more -- --- to see after 4 numbers
chmod -- change the read-write execute permission
grep -- seprate the same value
whoami -- what user
whatis -- to known the command discription
man -- to know how to use the
wget -- create an HTTP link and download
exit -- exit from the terminal
zip -- file ---- zip the file
unzip -- --- unzip the file
ifconfig -- ipaddressoo
nano -- open the text editor
touch -- create a normal file
cat -- read the text file
mkdir -- create directory
ping -- check IP live or dead
sudo -- --- root user
ps -- a run process
top -- running task
head -- ---- to display first 5 number
tail -- --- to print last 4 line
sed -- '6,12p' filename --- to print condition
locate -- locate the path
nslookup -- domain IP address
whois -- domain name
file -- file type
mkdir -- make dir
rmdir -- remove dir
\ -- create a file with space
Alt+F -- move between words
Alt+B -- move back between words
ctrl+c -- copy
ctrl+v -- paste
ctrl+L -- clear
Alt+u -- change capital
Alt+l -- change lower
ctrl+k -- cut letter
ctrl+y -- paste the words
ctrl+r -- to suggest the recent values
cal -- calendar
date -- current date
poweroff -- shutdown
reboot -- system reboot
vi -- text edit
gedit -- grapical text editer
history -- history commands
less -- same as cat
tac -- same as a cat
head -- to display the top 10 line
tail -- to display the bottom 10 line
WC -- line num, word num, byte num
type -- command type
which -- to mention the part of the
help -- to help the command process
man -- it is used to listing the
• -- everything
alias -- to create a new command alias
hostname -- IP address
netstat -- network connection, routing tables
traceroute -- routes and hops used by packet
time -- --- user and system time used
& -- to do more than one operation
; -- one operation completes then the other
echo -- --- status of last executed command
&& -- if the first operation success the
// -- if the first operation fails also
| -- op of one command is passed
> -- to pass op of one to
sudo -- --- display current run level(0-6)
mount -- to attach external filesystem to filesystem
umount -- detaches the external file system from
awk -- scripting language for file modification and
ping -- name) ---- ping and find the
nc -- address port num ---- to get
[GET -- HTTP/1.1] --- to enroll the data
[HEAD -- --- to enroll the head data
[OPTIONS -- HTTP/1.1] ---- to see the options
dig -- name ---- to identify the IP
sudo -- -m (name) --- to add a
sudo -- (name) ---- to set the password
sudo -- (name) --- to create a group
sudo -- -a -G (group-name) (user-name) ----- to
getfacl -- --- to display the all deatils
sudo -- ---- to display the network speed
sudo -- - username --- to change the
sudo -- allow/status/enable (port-nun)
sudo -- -tupln ---- to see the active
"$(date --
chsh -- to change the shell
vi -- number --- to display number in
cat -- filename --- to display the number
dir{ --
/ -- root dir
/home -- to split the different user home
/var -- to store the log fille
/etc -- to store the configu file
/temp -- to store the temp files
/opt -- storing thrid pary app
/lib -- store library file
/root -- admin/high privilages
/bin -- binary files
/dev -- show extral device
} --

Argocd with rollouts examples

examples in My github ArogoCd with ArgoRollouts Rollouts.yml # This example demonst...