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Monday, September 5, 2022
helm commands
helm -h --- help command
helm completion bash --- to display the output of
helm list ---- to display the version
helm create (name) ---- to create the helm chart
helm depandency build (folder name) ---- to build the
helm dep list (name) ---- to list the dependency
helm dep update (dir name) --- it will update
helm dep update (dir name) ---- it will update
helm env ----- to display the helm environment
helm get (all,hooks,values,notes,manifest) (name) ---- to display the information
helm install (name) (dir helm name) (opction --set (name=value))
helm history (name) ---- to display the history
helm del (kube-name) (helm name) ---- delete the chart
helm lint (chart name) ---- check the error to
helm ls ---- to list the helm pakages
helm pakage (name) ----- to convert into compressed file
helm diff upgrade (kub name) ( helm name) --
helm pull (chart name) ---- to pull the helm
helm repo add
helm repo update
helm repo remove
helm rollback (name) 1 ---- to create another one
helm search hub (name) --- to search the chart
helm search repo (name) --- to search the chart
helm status name
helm install --debug --dry-run (relese-name) (chart folder) ---- to
helm get manifest (relese-name) ---- to display the set
helm install --dry-run --debug --set costCode=SS45877
sai ./mychart/ --- to set from input using set
--set (name=value)
sprig library to use function on helm
{{ .Values.data}} ---- to pass the value from the
{{- if eq .Values.data "us-e" }}
style: true
{{- end }} ---- to use (-) in starting
{{- with .Values.tags }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }} --- to
machine: {{ .machine }}
{{- end }}
------ doesn't use the multiple line
notes.txt ---- is used to write a commands in
helm template sai ./mychart --- to display the template
helm get values name --- to get a used
helm history name --- to display error and log
--atomic ---- when chat goes error it forward to
--timeout 7m3s ---- to control the time out
--fource --- when upgrade happend it will stop all
--cleanup-on-failure --- when upgrade goes fail total fail log
chart.yaml {
helm package name ----- to convert into zip file
helm lint name ---- to check the error log
- to avoid a blank spaces
include --- to use pipeline
nindent 4 --- new line with indent of 4
define variable
{{ $myValue := "sai" }} --- assign a value
{{ $myValue = "gok" }} --- reassign a value
{{-if myValue }}
for loop
{{- range .Values.mychart.contry }}
{{ . | upper | qoutes }}
{{- end }}
for loop disnory
{{ - range $key, $value := .Values.image }}
- {{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}
helm get manifest name ---- to see the detail
helm depandency update name ---- to update depandencny on
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Argocd with rollouts examples
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