Thursday, January 19, 2023

helm k8s

helm basic commands

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to easily install and manage applications on a cluster. Here are some basic commands used in Helm:

    helm init: This command initializes Helm on your local machine and sets up the necessary resources in the Kubernetes cluster. It should be run once before using any other Helm commands.

    helm repo add: This command adds a new Helm chart repository to your local machine. This is used to download charts from different sources.

    helm search: This command searches for charts in the repositories you have added to your local machine.

    helm install: This command installs a chart on your Kubernetes cluster. You can specify the chart name and a release name to identify this installation.

    helm list: This command lists all of the releases that have been installed on your cluster using Helm.

    helm status: This command shows the current status of a release, including the resources that were created, the version of the chart, and any available updates.

    helm delete: This command deletes a release and all of the resources it created.

    helm upgrade: This command upgrades an existing release to a new version of the chart.

    helm rollback: This command rolls back a release to a previous version.

    helm template: This command generates the resource manifest files from a chart. It can be useful for debugging a chart or for creating a custom resource manifest.

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