Thursday, January 19, 2023

k8s basic commands

Kubernetes (k8s) is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Here are some basic commands used in k8s:

    kubectl get: This command lists resources such as pods, services, and deployments.

    kubectl describe: This command shows detailed information about a resource.

    kubectl create: This command creates a resource from a file or from stdin.

    kubectl apply: This command applies changes to a resource specified in a file or stdin.

    kubectl delete: This command deletes resources specified in a file or stdin.

    kubectl logs: This command shows the logs of a container in a pod.

    kubectl exec: This command executes a command in a container of a running pod.

    kubectl expose: This command exposes a resource as a new Kubernetes service.

    kubectl scale: This command sets a new size for a deployment or replication controller.

    kubectl cluster-info: This command shows the details of the cluster, including the API server and kube-dns addresses.

    kubectl config: This command manages kubeconfig files, which are used to configure access to kubernetes clusters.

    kubectl auth: This command manages authentication, including creating and updating credentials for clusters.

These are just a few basic commands, kubectl has many more commands and options that can be used to manage and interact with k8s cluster. It's important to consult the official documentation to u

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